Single Handle Cable Attachment


The Single Handle Cable Attachment was designed to be used individually or connected together with a Cable Connector. The handle is made out of a “knurled” piece of 33 MM rubber that rotates to allow you to a wide variety of movements. They come with the deluxe version of our Cable Columns, Scap Strap are sold individually or in pairs with a cable connector.

Availability: 32 in stock

Pair them together with the medium or large cable connector for bilateral cable movements.

They also come with the Scap Strap

The fake knurling on the rubber handle will improve your grip and make the handle less slippery.


handle $$$$$
Rotating Handle
rubber knurling
Rubber Knurling
stitcing $$$$$
Box Stitching
stitching and clip
Comes with Carabiner
Stray Dog Strength logo patch
head on $
Connect Together


connected triceps $$
Tricep Push Down
lat pull down close $
Lat Pull Down
push press 2
Shoulder Press
curls $
Bicep Curls
low rows $
Low Rows
pull up top $
Rotating Pull Up Handles


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