Jake Purdy

What is an ATR unit and how did it come into conception?

Introduction ATR stands for Auxiliary Training Rack which was an idea that was born after speaking to hundreds of coaches about how to more efficiently use their floor space.  The theme that always came up was – “How do we make the most of our space”.  Originally we called these space saving set-ups “Fire-Out” stations

What is an ATR unit and how did it come into conception? Read More »

Cable Machines

Introduction Cable training has  some advantages over free weight training with dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells the first is set up time and a small learning curve. Cable machines take very little set up, very little time to adjust resistance and have little to no tear down as the sectorized stack doesn’t move. Cable training also

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Psychology Tips to Overcome Stress, Adversity, Frustration, and Failure

Life is great when we score the winning point, earn that “A” grade in a difficult class, or get hired for the job we always wanted.  In these moments we experience excitement, pride, and confidence, and often parlay the positive emotions to go on and achieve even greater things in the future. But what happens

Psychology Tips to Overcome Stress, Adversity, Frustration, and Failure Read More »

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